Ubuntu 22.04, mariaDB, dbeaver and auth fail error

So lately I switched to ubuntu 22.04 and tried a fresh installation with mariadb. When trying to connect to the database server with dbeaver i got stuck with the message in Dbeaver: Can’t initialize tunnel Cannot establish tunnel to x.x.x.x:22 Cannot establish tunnel to x.x.x.x:22 Auth fail Auth fail Looking in the journal control I… Continue reading Ubuntu 22.04, mariaDB, dbeaver and auth fail error

Categorized as ubuntu

Install composer on ubuntu 20.04

To quickly install composer on ubuntu 20.04 you want to run the following commands. Make sure you are in your own home directory. sudo apt install wget php-cli php-zip unzip -y wget -O composer-setup.php https://getcomposer.org/installer sudo php composer-setup.php –install-dir=/usr/bin –filename=composer Look at the –install-dir=/usr/bin. A lot of guides tell you to install it into the… Continue reading Install composer on ubuntu 20.04

Categorized as ubuntu

Renew a certificate with certbot behind Cloudflare

So today I was installing a server with a domain that was behind a Cloudflare dns server. When trying to create a certificate with certbot it was failing constantly. certbot certonly -d www.domain.tld –standalone The problem is that certbot is using port 80. By default Cloudflare has “Always Use HTTPS” turned on. If you turn… Continue reading Renew a certificate with certbot behind Cloudflare

Categorized as ubuntu